Monday, January 19, 2009

Eating Disorders Family Stories

Here is my bio from my book page on my website: If you would like to share your story ANONYMOUSLY with me to help other families let me know.

Becky Henry, CPCC is a Coach, Author, Workshop Leader and Speaker. She is currently working on a book for families living with the crisis of an eating disorder to help release them from fear and panic and reclaim peace and calm. Becky is passionate about empowering families with tools to reclaim their finances, relationships, careers and lives that have been seriously impacted by an eating disorder.

Temporary Title: Navigating the rough waters of an ED; A Guide from Fear and Panic to Peace and Hope

Currently Becky is welcoming stories for the book to highlight key points. If you know anyone who has lived with the crisis of an eating disorder and may want to anonymously share their story please have them contact Becky Henry at: 952-451-5663 or at

Key Points that the stories will highlight:

(Both the successes and the non-successes) around these points:

  1. Effect of ED on stress level and layers such as memory
  2. Keeping track of notes from care providers.
  3. Secondary losses that ED took away from your family
  4. How did you care for yourself?
  5. What were your skills in letting the ED be your loved one’s problem?
  6. Effects on partnership/marriages
  7. Role of friends
  8. Role of extended family
  9. Productive and unproductive coping mechanisms
  10. Asking for help
  11. Finding competent care providers
  12. What kept you going?
  13. Insurance stories - the good, bad and the ugly
  14. What was your lowest point?
  15. Silver linings that came of your journey with an eating disorder

Interviews with Becky will be recorded on, names will be changed as there is still so much stigma with these illnesses and the stories are so personal. Each person will need to sign a release.

This is your chance to have some of the challenges you have lived through make a difference in the life of another family faced with a similar situation. Also, if you know of media outlet connections and would like to support this book by connecting me with them that is most appreciated too. Together we can make a difference for all of us who are living with these devastating disorders in our families. When the days get rough as you face the sadness of having a loved one living with an eating disorder, remember: EXTREME SELF CARE! It's essential for those who are not only caregivers but for all who care about people who have an eating disorder.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's and eating disorders

Having survived (if you are reading this) the holiday season, first congratulate yourself! You made it. Brutal is the word that comes to my mind when I think of the holiday season and eating disorders. However it went, you did come out the other side and that is a major accomplishment. If you suffer from an eating disorder or you have someone you care about who has one, it is a major feat to survive or even thrive through the season.

I received a great newsletter today from Byron Katie about releasing suffering. Very inspirational for me and I hope it will be for you. Take a look at Byron Katie’s link: to learn more about “the Work” she does. I wasn’t able to attend her fabulous sounding retreat but I did find that I was able to use her suggestions to release the hold I was allowing suffering to have on me.

Choice in how we react, we do have power over how we choose to react and what we choose to think about. Byron Katie’s work has helped me choose to let go of suffering. That is what coaching is about too, choosing what you want in your life. If you are looking for more of that call me or email me about one-on-one coaching. Together we can help you to let go of fear and panic and choose peace and joy!

Happy New Year!