Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Love the Life You Lead

Coach Melinda Abrams asked me to be a part of the Love the Life You Lead 2012 blog series.
You can find the Facebook page at Love The Life You Lead Facebook Page

14 Days. 11 Expert Coaches. Loving the life you lead.

Becky Henry/ Theme: Forgiveness
Question: How do I forgive myself for not being able to help my daughter recover from an eating disorder?  What is the VALUE in forgiving myself?

Forgiveness is an act of love—towards ourselves. While it may seem a selfish endeavor it is actually a generous gift, to our own life, peace, joy, happiness and those around us. There is great value in spending the time asking powerful questions, asking for help, admitting we felt powerless, and taking the steps to learn how to forgive.
Loving someone who is seriously ill and not being able to "save" or "fix" them can lead to a host of negative emotions. It can lead us to become a lifetime "victim" who no longer loves life and embraces fun.
Seeing that we don't have that kind of power can actually be freeing and can give us the wings we need to fly away from the burden of being a victim.  Then and only then, we can live a joyful live despite our history. 

Becky Henry
Founder and President, Hope Network, LLC

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