Thursday, November 6, 2008

NEDA Charter Launch

Here it is November In MN, getting cold and rainy and time to get to work for the NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) Charter Launch that will happen on February 22nd at the State Capitol.

As a volunteer for the National Eating Disorder’s Association’s (NEDA) STAR program, (States for Treatment, Access and Research) I am working on a campaign to help launch the Worldwide Charter for Action on Eating Disorders, a patient’s bill of rights, in every state over the next year!

Today I am writing to ask for your help in connecting us with those;
parents, support people and interested public, who may welcome an opportunity to participate in a brainstorming to share opinions and give us feedback on what they believe would be relevant issues to focus on... do they believe that we should focus on awareness, prevention and education? In MN we are fortunate that we already had parity before the National Bill was signed, so we find this a great opportunity to use this launch to support the most pressing aspects of eating disorders.

The Charter will serve as a tool to assist people with eating disorders and their loved ones in identifying high quality, appropriate services and practices, and to guide them in challenging unhelpful, outdated, and anti-therapeutic practices. This Charter will provide service planners and providers with the basic building blocks for quality program and service development.

Real people — individuals and families — are the strongest advocates for championing our cause. Together we hope to increase access to treatment for eating disorders by expanding insurance coverage, advocating for quality treatment, increasing public understanding of eating disorders and urging more funding for research.

If you or someone you know would like to share your feedback please send an email to and we'll get your opinions.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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